10 Products That Really Make Your Hair Look & Feel Younger & Thicker

Francine hair younger & thicker looking hair, younger and thicker hair for women over 40

Gorgeous Hair For Women Over 40!

Most women say that they feel the most confident when their hair looks great.  But as we gracefully glide into our 40’s, shiny, full and healthy-looking hair comes with a bit more effort.  “Breck girl” hair and “Becky-with-the-good-hair” hair suddenly ranks a lot higher on our beauty wish list.  Many of us, myself included, experience some hair thinning and an overall change in hair texture.  When we realize the ponytail holder suddenly needs to wrap around three times, not two, our self-confidence can take a hit.  The good news is that there are many proven strategies that work.  Over-the-counter nutritional supplements, hair care products and hi-tech tools can help promote younger and thicker hair for women over 40.

In fact, Erin’s highlighted several of her strategies for promoting younger and thicker hair in her videos here, here and here.  I’ve road-tested dozens of products to boost hair growth and thickness and some were epic failures.  But I also discovered a few winners.  Here are the ones that made the biggest impact for me.  (As Erin suggested, be sure and talk with your doctor if you’re seeing excessive hair loss.)

Super curious to know if you’ve tried any of these products!  What’s worked for you?  Please share in the comments below.  To get blog posts delivered directly to your inbox, along with some awesome freebies, be sure to sign up for the newsletter here.



Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that has been found to improve the overall health and appearance of your hair. This supplement comes in gel form and is easy to digest.

Collagen Powder

My hair grows faster and my skin is clearer since using this collagen powder (along with Biotin). I'm not fancy - I just put a small scoop in a glass of water in the morning!

Moisture Mask

Even thinning hair looks better when it's soft, healthy and well-conditioned. I leave this on for just a few minutes every time I shampoo and it's helped enormously. Love it.

Thickening Shampoo

This thickening shampoo gives me great volume and does not weigh down my hair. My hair is soft, feels thicker, and looks full, even after using curling and flat irons.

Hair Mask

A luxurious, once-a-week treatment. My hair is noticeably smoother after using this, and I see less hair breakage throughout the week.

Texturizing Spray

If you've never tried this, it's life-changing. It magically provides added "bulk" and volume.

Thickening Spray

I use this on wet hair at the roots for added volume before blow-drying. Keep in mind that most volumizing sprays are best with heat - so it's not ideal for airdrying.

Laser Treatment

Full disclosure...I haven't tried this gadget. But skeptics take note - the reviews on this thing are stellar! I love that it only takes a few minutes each day. Have you tried it??

Round Brush

It's light, durable and easy to clean. Done and done.

Hair Serum

NeuBrow has worked wonders on my eyebrows, so I have high hopes for this serum!

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